Whether you are looking for a new rental property in the region or looking to list your property with us to a broad audience of professionals or students. Trust Berry Lettings to find your perfect solution.
Aside from competitive rates, landlords choose to host with Berry Lettings for several reasons.
A selection of our latest and most popular properties. If you are interested in a viewing please contact us immediately.
We understand finding a property can be stressful for several reasons. Our properties are secure and certified, and they all come with a 24/7 maintenance service and redress scheme accreditation. Our advanced tenant systems also ensure your onboarding is as efficient as possible.
Whether you are looking for a self-contained studio or a house for your family. We offer a vast range of properties in Derby and Nottingham.
All of our properties are modern and finished to a high-quality. They are secure and certified and include a 24/7 maintenance service for when you need it. In many cases, our properties come fully furnished and cover all bills including utilities, ground keeping and communal cleaning costs. Offering you complete peace of mind.
Some of the great reviews we've received from our tenants.